Recommendation on the implementation of ISCED 2011 in Flanders (01/26/2012)

ISCED is the ‘International Standard Classification of Education’ by UNESCO. During 2011, there has been a review of this classification by UNESCO (we refer to the Vlor recommendation in October 2010). In the mean time, the review has been approved. The Flemish government has now prepared a proposal to integrate the Flemish education in the new ISCED and asked advice to the Vlor on 21 November 2011.

The Vlor agrees with the general lines of the proposal, but has remarks on the classification of some programmes in level 9. In this level 9, countries have the possibility to classify programmes that don’t find their place in the other levels. The Vlor thinks that only a very limited number of Flemish programmes should be classified in level 9, because this would harm the international recognition and comparability.