Recommendation on the cooperation between education and welfare (02/26/2015)

This recommendation at own initiative was prepared by the commission ‘Pupil’s guidance’, discussed in several sub-councils and commissions, and approved by the General Council.

The educational partners are convinced that cooperation between education and welfare policy has to be enhanced. This has to be the case at different levels and in the different phases of policy making. That is why the Vlor published this recommendation at own initiative, at the occasion of the policy paper ‘Welfare, public health and families’. The recommendation describes some of the broad domains in which cooperation needs to be shaped.

Socialization of care is one of the major innovations in the years to come. It means that policy will start from the strengths of those who need care, and from the strengths of their direct environment. The Vlor agrees that this model is interesting, but the impact on the functioning of the school and of the guidance services needs to be clarified.

The Vlor also asks for timely cooperation, at an earlier stage of the policy making cycle, on:

  • Prevention of health problems and problems related to wellbeing;
  • The place of education and guidance services in integral youth care;
  • The impact of the perspective plan on education for children with specific needs;
  • The innovation of preschool care and of out-of-school care.