Recommendation on the proposal for modernization of the European Directive 2005/36/EG on the recognition of professional qualifications (04/26/2012)

Europe wants to enhance the free movement of professionals. The Vlor formulates some reflections on this proposal.

The Vlor pleads for a better coordination between the existing European policy frameworks. DG EAC has learning outcomes as a starting point, whilst DG MARKT takes the duration of the study programme into account. Learning outcomes have also been the starting point of the EQF, that has been implemented in order to make qualifications more transparent and more visible in Europe, and in order to stimulate the mobility of professionals and learners. The Vlor states that the duration of the study programme should no longer be a basis for comparison.

The Vlor is concerned about the conditions for admission to training for nurses responsible for general care (‘general education of 12 years’).
The Vlor asks for a systematic control of language skills for teachers (as it is foreseen for health workers), because these competences are crucial for quality education.